

Executive Coaching

I am a trusted advisor to senior executives on a range of effective leadership and management issues, including areas such as succession planning, development of leadership competencies, and executive assessment through self-assessment and 360° feedback. Additionally, I work with principals/owners of closely held businesses (often family-owned) both individually and collectively to increase alignment with strategic goals. I also work with executives whose careers are at risk of derailing, and professionals outside of business, i.e., physicians or lawyers who are having issues limiting their job effectiveness.

Executive Assessment for Selection

A systematic process of interviewing and psychometric testing to improve the hiring process's accuracy. The emphasis is on “job fit” as linked to the organization’s strategic objectives.

Richard Marcus Ph.D.

Team Alignment and Development Programs

Customized programs that support alignment with both strategic and the organization’s “culture” objectives highlight current recognized leadership best practices.

Developmental Coaching

For companies looking to invest in the continuing development of their best leaders and managers, one-on-one coaching that allows the executive to “take stock” of his/her core “people management” strengths and gaps and then address identified deficits, or for those executives with “mission-critical” assignments” where the organization is looking to offer all support possible to maximize the executive’s chances for delivering a successful outcome.

What I Offer

  • Coaching for “technical experts as managers”: specific coaching for those executives who have excelled as individual contributors and then been promoted to the managerial ranks based on those contributions.
  • Executive coaching for executives at risk of derailing: One-on-one coaching that is individually tailored for those valued executives who have been strong individual contributors but, due to gaps in people management skills, have found themselves at risk for career derailment.
  • Career Management and Reappraisal: One-on-one coaching for executives wanting an outside perspective as they consider next career steps and associated “skilling” needs.
  • Consulting with closely held, family-owned businesses: Consultation on the range of issues frequently confronted by family business owners, consultation informed by subject matter expertise in executive coaching, career management, clinical psychology, and family therapy. Particular emphasis is on aligning and balancing dynamic family concerns with strategic business needs.
  • 360° Multi-rater feedback survey design and roll-out: Consulting around the selection, customization, and roll-out of 360° multi-rater feedback instruments and programs for individual leaders/managers or groups.